Hey, I'm Ammon! Welcome to my Portfolio! I'm excited to show you what I have learned through my journey of Web Development. I love developing Challenging and Creative projects! I enjoy working with a team to accomplish great things! I always strive to Work Hard while keeping Positivity inside and outside of my workspace!
Fun Facts About Me
- I have a passion for Basketball and Snowboarding!
- I have a huge Family (13 Siblings), that I love spending time with!
- I love reading a good Fictional/Fantasy book!
- I enjoy Traveling!
I started my journey as a Web Developer at DevMountain. DevMountain is a private coding bootcamp that offers a web development course. I learned everything I needed to start developing my own full-stack applications. I also learned how to work with a team remotely due to everyone in my class having to work at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. DevMountain was a great experience and I was very pleased with the skills I was able to develop while going through their course.
UI/UX Software Engineer
June 2021 - Present
I work as a Software Engineer at Indicio, where I develop User Interfaces for the Decentralized Identity Ecosystem. Working in a team setting, I have learned to create and manage my tasks using the Jira software. My most notable accomplishments have been implementing Hashlink URL encoding for digital credentials, participating in an interop-athon, and developing a SAML 2.0 Service Provider and Identity Provider for Single Sign-On capabilities.
React || NodeJS || Passport || SAML 2.0 || Docker || Hashlinks || WebSockets || Jira
Elevate Solar Project
Elevate Solar Energy LinkReact application focused on providing solar information and scheduling solar quotes and appointments. Utilized React-Calendar for precise scheduling capabilities. Provided forms for both quotes and job applications. Improved Search Engine Optimization by utilizing React-Helmet. Complete fully responsive web design.
React || NodeJS || PostgreSQL || SendGrid || Express || React-Calendar || React-Helmet
Vacay E-commerce Project
Vacay E-commerce LinkReact E-commerce application focused on selling Vacay sunglasses. The application has full shipping and purchase capabilities. Provided the extra ability to view purchase history by utilizing SQL Database. Prioritized password reset capabilities by creating unique token in server and sending it through SendGrid.
React || NodeJS || PostgreSQL || SendGrid || Redux || Bcryptjs || Stripe || Express
E-commerce Sports Project
E-commerce Sports LinkReact App that's focused on a pleasing User Interface as well as payment capabilities for purchasing products. Prioritizing edge cases to prevent any potential bugs. Provided extra capabilities to users with admin access. Utilized CSS Media Queries for responsive design between multiple screen sizes.
React || Node || PostgreSQL || Express || Redux || Bcryptjs || Stripe || React-Slick
Flash Drills Group Project
React App that was built to help users easily study any subject. Users can create a Deck and assign Topics to that deck. All Decks are made public so that other users have the opportunity to view and study each deck. Users can add Flash Card to their deck and can study each card. The User also has the option to rate each card on how well they know the card.
React || NodeJS || PostgreSQL || Express || Redux || Bcryptjs || AmazonS3 || MaterialUI
The Journal Of Life Personal Project
React App that was built to provide an easy way for users to save and share their experiences. Users can create Entries and Goals that they can later view and edit. Users can also join a live chat room where they can share their ideas and experiences with other users.
React || Node || PostgreSQL || Express || Redux || Bcryptjs || Socket.IO || Massive
Front-End Skills
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Styled-Components
- Material-UI
Back-End Skills
- PostgreSQL
- NodeJS
- Express
- Express-Session
- BcryptJS
- Passport
- Sequalize
- DB-Migrate
- MassiveJS
Additional Skills
- ReactJS
- JavaScript
- Jira
- Git & Github
- Stripe
- SAML 2.0
- Hashlinks
- SendGrid
- Docker
- React-Calendar
- Redux
- React Hooks
- WebSockets
- Nodemailer
- React-Slick
- QuillJS
- Adobe Photoshop
- Hosting
- Documentation
Check out the Links below!
Please contact me if you want a copy of my resume.